Wednesday 7 December 2011

Wednesday 7th November - Storms

So its all kicked off today!

The weather has taken a turn for the worse and has rained non-stop for the last 24hours. Infact it has rained so much, the little stream that runs by the side of our work building has almost burst its banks (which are very high) and is starting to flood the car park. My little path i take around the back of the building has almost been blocked off from the water! We have been warned of flooding and thunderstorms so i sent Gaz out to buy some food for the freezer just incase!

John tried to get me back today for stealing his chocolates (after he blamed the reception staff) and he filled my umbrella with hole punch clippings so that when i opened it at lunch time, all the paper flew out of it. I think he was hoping i would open it at the end of the day  but i went home for lunch when no one else was there to see it. Better luck next time John!

Gaz has done really well on poker today...and even rang Billy! But got through to someone else who works in the shop and so Billy will ring him back another day. For those who have forgotten, Billy is the guy who owns the boat hire company and has offered to take Gaz out may not be for a while though as this rain is due for at least 2 weeks! ...Perhaps a repeat of last years floods....?

ps...since 9am this morning, we have had 62mm of rain! (6.2cm)


  1. Have you got your yellow willies yet? Ian x

  2. Sorry that was meant to be yellow wellies. Damn you auto correct. Lol.
