Saturday 3 December 2011

Saturday 3rd December - Carols by candle light

Gaz and I had a lye in today which was great but i find it very difficult to sleep past 8am over here...especially when the sun is up long before 5am. I left Gaz playing poker whilst i went and did my christmas shopping for Gaz's stocking. I found him surprisingly easy to buy for and i really enjoyed shopping around for him. When i got back to the house, Gaz was doing well on the computer so i left him to it and tidied the house.

This evening we have been to a 'carols by candle light' concert. It was actually good fun and although Gaz moaned about going and stuck his nose up at the santa hat, he actually got into the spirit of things and we ev been had our photo taken for the local newspaper, wearing our hats. Apparently we are going to be 'the couples' photograph for the event lol. The concert was held around the corner in the historical museum grounds where they use the old train platform as a stage and everyone was welcome to bring seats of a picnic blanket. We bought neither so sat near the front behind all the kids running around...they will definitely sleep well tonight! We bought some glow sticks and lit them when it got dark. It was really nice to see 200 odd people who had all turned up for the concert in support of a local charity. They had little kids singing on stage as well as the fraser coast choir...which when i looked hard, i spotted Liz, the woman who has given me the job at Aura! She is second from the left in the photograph below...small town! Gaz and i were a little freaked out by the robot dancing elf on stage with the little kids...he was either pissed or this was a dare. The host of the evening was this big fat dumpling woman whose ego was bigger than her arse...and thats saying something! She not only hosted the whole evening, she sang more songs than the kids did and by her 4th song, Gaz and i had both had enough so we left.

We watched a christmas film last night (Bad Santa) and tonight we are watching Elf. Its weird not having cold weather here this time of year but i guess we will get used to it. Im sad because there were no aunt bessies yorkshire puddings or roasties int he frozen isle section at woolworths :(

Bats flying overhead the old train station

Rapey looking elf robot dancing 

Fraser Coast Choir - Liz is the curly haired lady second from the left

Gaz and I looking cheesy!


  1. what a gorgeous picture even good of you Gaz. Happy Xmas xxxx

  2. Great photos Vicky. Love the bats over the staion and fancy Gaz managing that HUGE smile for a camera! ....but rapey looking elf? I hope not!!! that's as bad as my pubic bbq :D

    Chris xx

  3. Yorkshire puds are made with batter milk. They're dead easy - mix plain flour, an egg and some milk, if you haven't got a pudding. Baking tray, use muffin cases pop them in the oven at quite a high temp - bout 190 for 14 mins. Easy peasy x
