Sunday 18 December 2011

Sunday 18th Dcember - Kangaroo graveyard

Yesterday i was up at 6am, despite it being a saturday and not having to be up. Our bin needed changing and it was a little untidy downstairs so i got cleaning! Gaz got up later to play on the computer whilst i went out and picked up the last of his xmas presents. 

In the evening we went over the road to the 'carols by candlelight' concert that was taking place. We couldnt believe how many cars were parked all down the road and in the was packed! The whole event was free and when we arrived, people were queuing miles back to get on each of the rides that were there. We strolled past the rides and the stage where some woman was singing christmas songs...her voice wasnt amazing but it didnt matter as everyone was having a great time. Kids and adults all dressed in their christmas hat, one kid dressed as a chritmas tree and there were a few little elf outfits...very cute. There was free face painting going on...we walked past minding our own business but i got pulled over by some very enthusiastic woman who decided to draw all over my face. So much for putting make up on. i didnt really have much of a choice so i just went with it and left her graffiti all over me...she was having a great time. Luckily there were many place to eat...lots of variety from fish and chips to pizzas cooked in a proper pizza oven courtesy of a portable gas oven! very clever. We sat on the grass and enjoyed the song...getting a little worried about the god squad performance of angels dancing to a song about someone wanting to kill herself and 'never wake up'. We thought they were kids but nope, fully grown of which was a male :S

We didnt hang around much past 7pm and headed back home. Gaz made his excuses not to meet up with rudgy boy...saying 'vicky is ill...something gastric'. Nice Gaz. 

Anyway, we cwtched up in bed and watched Home Alone us feeling christmassy and also missing the cold weather back home!

This morning i got up for my riding lesson. When i turned up Lisa told me there had been people shooting out in the fields the past 2 nights and the horses had been going crazy. Apparently the police were called and 3 cars scampered and they only caught one of them. I rode Buddy out...i was appalled by what i saw. 5 kangaroos just within a 3 metre radius all lying dead. Eyes open and peaceful looking. It was horrible. We didnt even go looking for other dead kangaroos amongst the trees but i am certain there were many. Mothers and babies. Disgusting. These people had been shooting for fun. It got worse because as we carried on riding, there were a heard of wild horse that roam the fields around here. One of the horses was limping very badly and was trying to hop along on 3 legs. The poor thing must have got startled by the gun shots and fallen over. We managed to get close enough to see there was no blood on the leg so it hadnt been shot but there was nothing we could do as the herd would not let us get close to the injured horse. As we rode along we heard more gun shots. Lisa called the police just as we saw a car coming in our direction. It had 2 young boys and a girl in the yute and they were hiding the gun as they approached. They claimed they had permission to be on the land from the owner who they correctly named. The kid said his dad was a policeman and they were allowd to be there. Lisa rightly pointed out they shouldnt be shooting near houses in daylight and questioned if they were part of the gang that had been shooting last night. They denied it all and left but 5 minutes later returned with the kids dad who argued with Lisa saying 'i hear you gave my son a hard time. When we got back Lisa heard from the owner of the land that he knew nothing about these people on his land! I drove home feeling very sad about the uglyness of some people in this world and what kind of mentality makes them think shooting helpless animals is fun? And its even worse that a beautiful horse has got injured because of it all and will no doubt fall short of the heard and become an easy target of the wild dogs out here. So sad. 

Gaz and i have just been  out for some food down at the boat club and are relaxing at home before another busy week in work! Here are some of the pictures from yesterday...

1 comment:

  1. That's really awful about the kangaroos & horse. I hope the police can put a stop to it though they're not going to be able to prove who did it.

    Hervey Bay seems to celebrate Christmas in style! You're face painting looked lovely ;)
    chris x
