Monday 26 December 2011

Sunday 25th December - Christmas day!

I was very excited that santa had been on christmas morning so i got gaz up about 8am to open presents. We spoke to family back home (which was still christmas eve for them) before we commenced operation unwrapping! It was really nice to see family on skype but at the same time it made us wish we were there with them.
I bought Gaz lots of crap like 'penguine poo' where you fill the penguine with little balls of chocolate, wind up the penguine and watch it waddle along, dropping the little pellets. He really likes his electronic back massager for his chair though! Gaz and i agreed that he will buy me some stuff at 'chermside' in brisbane...this is the main shopping centre which apparently is HUGE so we will be heading there for the day before picking mum and dad up from the airport. That way at least i get things i want and that will all be the right size.

After we unwrapped presents we slobbed around for a bit eating rubbish before attempting our roast dinner....we made yorkshire puddings from scratch and tasted immense! I bought 4 dollar christmas crackers at the reject could tell they were cheap...the prizes inside were AWFUL but so awful that they were more commical. After we let food go down, we went for a splash in the pool. The weather was hot and sunny but the water in the pool was a little cool as it had been raining the past few days.

In the evening we went for a stroll down to the beach and watched the little kids on their new scooters, all wobbling a bit. We got home and enjoyed a cheese from the cheesecake shop.

Today is boxing day and we had a nice lye in. Ive done some research for when mum and dad come out on things we can do. Gaz played on the computer and it didnt go too well. This afternoon we went for a walk in the botanical gardens and enjoyed watching the turtles in the lake swimming around and poking their heads up out of the water. I will put some photographs up of christmas day and boxing day on tomorrows blog as the camera is downstairs and i cant be bothered to move!

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