Friday 2 September 2011

Friday 2nd September - Gaz's Rugby Dinner

We have had a lovely day today! I got to speak to my mate kirsty on skype this morning which was really nice to catch up with her, although i did deafen her as she couldnt work out how to turn her speaker down. Gaz and I then had some errands to run, starting with going back to the car dealer who had rung us to say Queensland registration people havent accepted our british drivers licenses so we needed to provide some other form of ID. When that was sorted we went in search of some shoes to go with my dress for the rugby dinner tonight...and a whole new outfit for Gaz, also for tonight. To say there are not many places to shop in Hervey Bay is an understatement...there is only really Target or Big W to get clothes which would be the equivalent of picking up clothes in Asda's George section...there isnt much choice! I was a bit pushed for choice with the shoes and ended up getting something that would do. I begrudge paying the money for them as i know new look do  much nicer shoes for half the price back home! Gaz found some smart looking trousers, a white shirt, belt, tie and even picked up some very smart looking shoes.

By the time we had finished shopping we were both starving so headed home for some lunch and then had a potter around on our laptops for a bit...before watching tv and Gaz falling asleep. At 5:50pm, Gaz had showered and went to put on his shirt. I heard a few expletives followed by "s*it, ive just taken the white shirt out of the packet and its huge with short sleeves". As both Big W and Target close at 6pm...Gaz had 10 minutes to get to the store, find the shirt he needed and pay for it. LUCKILY we live round the corner from Big W and Gaz was in and out as it was closing. Disaster over, i ironed his shirt for him and thankfully his clothes fit him rather well...ive only ever seen him look this smart for his brothers wedding reception!

We got to the Hervey Bay Hotel to where the rugby presentation was being held for the local rugby team that Gaz has joined. We were welcomed by the lead coach of the team, Andrew and ushered to a table with a very lovely couple, Rosemary and Jeff. We spent most of the evening talking to the couple who have even invited us to their house for a meal one day when they are back from New Zealand watching the rugby. The food was great and the drinks flowed. The speeches for the presentation dragged on...for about 2 hours but we managed. It was really nice to meet the rugby lads and they have all invited Gaz to the pub with them and said to give them a call if we need any thing.

Although it isnt cheat day...we did allow ourselves a little bit of cheese from the cheese board after the main course. It is amazing how much our stomachs have shrunk sine we have been eating healthy, smaller portions of food. I could only manage the chicken breast on my plate! After the speeches came a live band, at which point Gaz and I felt a good opportunity to leave so ive driven us back and we are going to watch a film now. Todays pic is of us together before the dinner :)

1 comment:

  1. Gosh he does look smart! You're a good influence on him Vicky. Sounds as if you had a really good day. We're back in Broadhaven with only the phones for Internet access. Will catch up with your flickr photos & my blog when we're home. Chris
