Monday 5 September 2011

Monday 5th September - Join gym attempt no. 4!

Not much to report today. I left Gaz in bed this morning as i popped off to work. Ive just realised ive been walking all the way around the block to get to work when there is actually a back entrance that is even closer to home! It now takes 30 seconds to get to work.

After work Gaz and I attempted to join the gym. Perfect, the door was open! The lady behind the desk broke the news to us that we cant become members until we have had an induction in the gym and the earliest she had was wednesday. We have an appointment booked for after work on wednesday so attempt 5 at joining this gym should be successful! Gaz is now slaving away in the kitchen cooking me dinner. We have managed to find some kangaroo meat in woolworths so tomorrow we will be rustling up some of that...unless gaz catches me a fish!

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