Wednesday 7 September 2011

Wednesday 7th September - Gym Induction

In work today my nurse informed me that the admin staff are very impressed with the notes i have been writing and also with the amount of work ive been doing. I appreciated this feedback and am feeling rather chuffed! Today was meant to be pay day but like usual, something had to go tits up. I was organised and handed in my tax number etc when i started work but Queensland Health have failed to pay me. One of the admin staff, Leigh, rung up to find out why i havent been paid and for some reason i was on one system, but not on the other system? whatever that means. The woman on the phone asked 'is she desperate for the money?' ....Leigh put her straight and said..."put it this way, shes flown half way across the world to be here and her boyfriend doesnt yes, she is desperate!" adhoc payment has been done and i should have the money in my account tomorrow morning. fingers crossed!

This evening Gaz and i had an induction at the 24 hour gym. A nice lady, Michelle, showed us around all the equipment and took our fingerprints. As the gym is 24 hours, after 7pm, you can only access the gym by having a computer on the wall outside scan your fingerprints as an ID check - very clever!

We are home now and cooking kangaroo, potato and....baked beans!

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