Wednesday 21 September 2011

Wednesday 21st September - Pig out

Yesterday no blog was written as nothing exciting happened! I arrived home from work shattered and fell asleep next to Gaz on the bed whilst watching a film. The end.

Today Gaz text me to say my plug adapter for my toothbrush had arrived. Mum has had to send it over from the UK because Australia dont have shaving plugs here and to buy an adapter meant paying a ridiculous price on postage. Work was ok first patient was a very obnoxious 24 year old male who needed a tooth taking out but moaned his jaw was aching when trying to elevate the tooth out. He was a pain in the bum as he kept wanting to spit the blood out of his mouth and kept making a big drama out of things. He was annoying...but its ok because the cup he had been spitting in to, he spilt all over himself. He was not best pleased. I giggled behind my mask and did nothing to help as he had agitated me. It took me an hour to get his tooth out because he kept interrupting me! My next patient was very deaf so i had to shout at him but was so loud, the whole hospital could hear me! I asked the senior dentist how i was getting on and if he has any concerns about anything im doing. His reply was he is really happy with the work i am doing and said he has heard me with patients (as his room is next door and sound travels well through the seperating door between our rooms) and he said he likes how i communicate with my patients. So i was chuffed with that!

I came home from work and Gaz finished off playing on the computer. He has had an alright day. He treated me to a subway and very naughtily took me for an ice cream! i didnt resist. So much for going to the gym! We are going to watch some tv now and i have tidied the house before our guests (suzie and meenal - friends from university) arrive tomorrow evening before they head over to fraser island.

Oh and i have been paid a nice sum of money which is lovely!! 


  1. I've been paid a nice sum of money too and I'm on holiday. Lets hope he weather stays dry for your friends going to Fraser Island!!

  2. Anything else you want brought out to you? Ian x

  3. i think we are ok for everything else thankyou ian! we are buying things we need...lots of the clothes sites at home have free postage worldwide! x
