Sunday 18 September 2011

Sunday 18th September - Horse Riding

This morning i had a 2 hour riding lesson but as i have been banned from driving the car due to its rattling noise, Gaz offered to pay the very expensive taxi ride to my riding lesson. 40AUD taxi ride later, i was at Lisa's ready to saddle up the horse i was riding, Buddy. Another lady (also called Lisa) was joining us for the ride today. We rode into the outback where the sun beat down on us and drained me of all my energy. At 10am, with another hour left to ride, i was absolutely baking! In the distance we could see horses galloping along a path...they were chasing a kangaroo! I really enjoyed the ride today as Lisa let me jump a few fallen logs which reminded me of when i used to mess about in the forestry with Kierra, jumping anything and everything in sight. I mentioned i was getting a taxi home but Lisa offered to drive me back as she said she was heading in to town any way. I felt bad as she went a really long way back to our house and she wouldnt accept any money for it she just said 'buy the horses a big bag of carrots' thats exactly what i will do! Before she drove me home, i had the chance to see her mount her friends rescue horse for the first time. The horse is skin and bones but apparently is looking a hundred times better than a month ago when they first got the horse.

I arrived home to Gaz playing on the computer. I showered and fell asleep on the bed underneath the ceiling fan for 3 hours. It has been so hot today! We even ended up turning the air conditioning on for a bit as the heat was unbearable...dreading summer now! When i woke up, Wales were losing to i fell back asleep again and was pleasantly surprised that in the last 15 minutes, Wales had turned it around winning 17-10. Gaz and I went and bought some dinner to cook and had a stroll along the beach. We have been lying in bed watching paranormal activity (which was a load of poop) and spirited away.


  1. Oh dear, could be very hot when we visit then. Remind me not to do any horse riding, though chasing kangaroos sounds fun! We're back home now with full Broadband & communications! Only 6 & a bit weeks till we arrive to pester you! Woohoo!!! C xx

  2. Glad to hear the riding went well. Hope the car gets fixed ok. Ian.
