Sunday 4 September 2011

Sunday 4th September - Horse riding lesson

Poor Gaz was dragged out of bed at 8.15am this morning so that i could have some company in the car whilst trying to find the horse riding place. He didnt complain about coming and i really appreciated him being there incase i got lost! On the way to the lesson we spotted our first wild kangaroo! He was quite a way in the distance and looked like a tree stump at first because i didnt have my glasses on.

The riding place was a very small field. The lady has 6 horses (2 of which are shetlands) but she rescued them all 'from the doggers' as she put it. She was very friendly and a really likeable person who made me feel really comfortable for my first lesson in years! I shared the small field with another girl who was also part of the lesson but she didnt have much personality going on which shone through in her riding ability as she let her horse plod along. Lisa (the name of my instructor) started me off on her 'beginners' horse to see how i got on. 20 minutes into the lesson she said i was too good for this horse and put me on 'more of a challenge'. The second horse i was on, Buddy, was a sweetheart. I could feel him testing me at the start to see what he could get away with but within minutes he was loosening up and playing with the bit in his mouth, riding the corners nicely. The other girl in the lesson didnt seem to appreciate the school had any corners but Buddy was very obedient and didn't follow the slackness of the horse in front. Although the teaching was more relaxed than what i am used to back home (constantly being nagged about my leg/hand aids and positioning in the saddle), i really did enjoy being back in the saddle and for 25AUD, i cant complain! Gaz meanwhile watched patiently on the sideline and entertained Lisa's dog who pawed him continuously for a pat. He even rescued the goat behind him a few times as it kept tangling itself up in the rope it was tied up with. Apparently this was a flatulent goat.

When we got back to the house, Gaz played on the computer and i fell fast asleep. 3 hours later i woke up! We watched 'Megamind' which he downloaded earlier and really enjoyed it! Afterwards we went to subway for dinner because neither of us could be bothered to cook.

Before heading back to the house we went for a romantic walk on the beach. The seagulls were bobbing about in the water very close to the shore where the white horses were breaking and amazingly catching huge prawns before flying off. We must have seen about 8-10 seagulls all dip their heads under and catch a prawn! I wish i had my camera on me!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the horse riding went well. Now waiting for Gaz to catch a fish.
