Saturday 10 September 2011

Saturday 10th September - Cheat day yay!

Not much happened in work yesturday and touch wood i havent been called out yet! The bloody work phone is making me paranoide. I keep waking up in the night and checking the phone to see if ive slept through a call and i carry it with me everywhere i go just incase they ring whilst im in the shower/on the toilet. I cant wait to hand this thing over!
Today Gaz played on the computer whilst i gave the house a good clean from top to bottom. It was lovely and sunny outside so after lunch we grabbed an ice cream and did a spot of sunbathing for about 5 minutes before deciding it was too hot and we would probably burn.
Back at the house i FINALLY loaded pictures onto facebook which i have been meaning to do for a long time now. As it is cheat day and my turn to pick the restaurant, we tried another italian along the esplanade because i was craving cheesy garlic bread and lasagne. The food was even better than santinis (the italian we tried 2 weeks ago) so we shall definitely be eating there again! Gaz thought the england/Argentina rugby match was on at 8.30pm so we got to the hervey bay boat club sports bar and got a seat in front of the TV screen...unfortunately he got the time wrong and the match had finished an hour before we sat down. Oh well.

We havent heard Bob tonight. I hope he is OK as Gaz almost stepped on him yesturday.

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