Wednesday 14 September 2011

Wednesday 14th September - Gaz relocates

Apologies for no blog yesterday, the trouble was, nothing really happened to write about! Today Gaz reckoned he was going to get up at 7.15am when i hell did that happen! he waited for me to be up and out of bed before he reset his alarm and cocooned himself into the quilt. I'm always so envious of him when i get up each morning! I don't know what time he got up but at least he was dressed when i arrived home for lunch.

I still havent been called out yet which is great and i hand the phone over tomorrow which is better still! As we have no food in the house, we opted to walk over to woolworths but the trouble is, on route we passed the chinese. I was all for being good but Gaz has been craving a chinese for ages so we agreed we would have cheat day today. I don't know how we are going to manage eating healthy this weekend though as we are heading on a road trip...we may have to scrap it this weekend. On the plus side, next week i wont be on call and i am going to be starting classes at the gym. I havent been this week as i have been so paranoid the work phone might ring mid class.

Gaz and I came home to find Bob stuck upside down on the balcony. He took one look at Gaz's face and scarpered and we havent seen him since. 

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