Saturday 31 December 2011

Saturday 1st January 2012 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Gaz and i have had the best new year! we have had a lot of wonderful things go on in 2011 and i know 2012 is only going to get better!

This afternoon we ventured over to the circus royale which was going on in the grounds where the previous carol concert had been held over the road from us. We sat in the front row of the circus tent. I was very impressed at the acrobats they had...their strength and flexibility was was all going fine until they brought on the animal acts. 4 horses all with their heads strapped in to their chests were made to trot round with stupid looking feathers on their heads. I could sense the sadness and fear in these horses. Their eyes looked so sad. They were made to jump over this metal hoop - horses naturally want to streth their necks when they jump but their heads were secured so close to their chest, their movements were restricted. It was horrible. These horses knew the stupid routine off by heart they had done it so often. At the end of their act they were made to line up one behind the other and mount their front legs onto the horse in fronts back. It made me wonder how they trained a horse to do such an act - one can only suggest blocking the horse from moving sideways and forcing it to keep going forward towards the horse in front until it has no other option but to try and climb over it? The cow act made me even cow tried to go the wrong way and the 'ring master' went to walk up to it and the poor thing looked so terrified it ran back to the outside of the ring. The cows were made to stand on a raised platform so that a little shetland pony could canter underneath there seemed a pointless act of entertainment and i dread to think about the punishment and misery they have put the horse and the cows through to do this. The cows didnt move for fear that the ring master would approach them. They had a dog show but the dogs seemed to enjoy jumping through hoops as they got a treat after each routine and their little tails were wagging with excitment. The geese however was sad - being tapped with a whip to go up a slide just to slide down it...not a natural thing for geese to want to do and having their wings sad. At half time gaz and i left and didnt return, we were too saddened by what we had seen.

When i got home i did some research on the circus animals, in particular the circus royale. People claiming animal rights people dont have a clue and members of the public saying ;the animals looked happy in the show' and 'they have been grazing around the back of the tent' thus concluding they are well looked after. Sorry but the animals need to eat, hence why they are grazing but no one has really seen the way  the animals are treated when they are being trained...i cant help  but feel the animals are scared senseless into doing what the ring master wants them to do. I feel terrible for paying to see this show.

This evening brightened up our day though. I picked Jacqui up (a dental assistant from work) and her friend Denete...i drove them to our house where we drank MOET champagne on the balcony (it about £50 a bottle out here!). We then got a limo down to a restuarant called the pavillion where we enjoyed a 5 course meal. We talked all night and were in stitches at some of the things being said. The owner even came over to saw how nice it was we were enjoying ourselves so much. At midnight we were given some champagne by the owner and we enjoyed the view of the hervey bay fireworks being set off by the pier, from our table. It was a great night had by all. happy new year everyone!

i didnt take this photo but this is a picture of the pavillion restaurant.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Thursday 29th December - Gaz is a bodyrocker too!

Nothing much to report this end. Weather has been hot hot hot, in the 30 degrees. Nanny, your card has arrived! thankyou so much...gaz was very grateful for the inclusion in the 'granddaughter and partner' message on the front of the card. I will have to keep it up for another month to get good use out of it!

I ordered gaz some smart jeans for xmas from NEXT but they only just arrived today. I thought they looked massive but they fit him well and look very smart! Now with those smart jeans and the shirt mum got him from hollister, hes going to be one trendy dude! all he needs is a smart pair of shoes ;)

I convinced gaz to come down to the garage and partake in my body rocker fitness routine for the  night. It was only 15 minutes of exercise but it was hardcore and we were both pretty knackered by the end of it. I think we will both be sore tomorrow!

I am continuing to plan our trip when my parents come out. So far i have sorted the accomodation in Brisbane, Adelaide and kangaroo island....and the stops along the great ocean road have been planned, just need to find somewhere to stay! Am very excited! Gaz has done VERY well for the month on the computer, better than expected. Tomorrow i am the only dentist in work...i managed to not get called out once whilst being on call...yay!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Tuesday 27th December - Bodyrocker!

As promised, here are the pictures from christmas day...

Santas been! 

 Gaz hapy with his penguine poo!

Too much excitement for one day!

Our amazing home made yorkshire puds.  

Gaz working hard adding the water to the stuffing.

 Christmas dinner!

The Hervey Bay Botanical Gardens....

Gaz and I had a lie in this morning before getting up to take back the presents that didnt fit. We took a trip to the sports shop and bought proper boxing gloves...perfect for our boxercise class! I made a mini gym in our garage and did a 40 minute solid work out...i had sweat dripping off me, it felt great! Gaz had a good day on the computer, despite loosing his cool at one point and lobbing a pen through the wall. oops. 

I have found this AMAZING fitness website called is going to be my new obsession as i am so determined to shed some weight. Ive even managed to convince Gaz to join me with it all! 

Its been hot and sunny today and reached just over 30degrees...we had a relaxing dip in the pool and have been to the RSL for some dinner. Weve got back just in time as a big thunderstorm has brewed up outside and its peeing it down! 

Monday 26 December 2011

Sunday 25th December - Christmas day!

I was very excited that santa had been on christmas morning so i got gaz up about 8am to open presents. We spoke to family back home (which was still christmas eve for them) before we commenced operation unwrapping! It was really nice to see family on skype but at the same time it made us wish we were there with them.
I bought Gaz lots of crap like 'penguine poo' where you fill the penguine with little balls of chocolate, wind up the penguine and watch it waddle along, dropping the little pellets. He really likes his electronic back massager for his chair though! Gaz and i agreed that he will buy me some stuff at 'chermside' in brisbane...this is the main shopping centre which apparently is HUGE so we will be heading there for the day before picking mum and dad up from the airport. That way at least i get things i want and that will all be the right size.

After we unwrapped presents we slobbed around for a bit eating rubbish before attempting our roast dinner....we made yorkshire puddings from scratch and tasted immense! I bought 4 dollar christmas crackers at the reject could tell they were cheap...the prizes inside were AWFUL but so awful that they were more commical. After we let food go down, we went for a splash in the pool. The weather was hot and sunny but the water in the pool was a little cool as it had been raining the past few days.

In the evening we went for a stroll down to the beach and watched the little kids on their new scooters, all wobbling a bit. We got home and enjoyed a cheese from the cheesecake shop.

Today is boxing day and we had a nice lye in. Ive done some research for when mum and dad come out on things we can do. Gaz played on the computer and it didnt go too well. This afternoon we went for a walk in the botanical gardens and enjoyed watching the turtles in the lake swimming around and poking their heads up out of the water. I will put some photographs up of christmas day and boxing day on tomorrows blog as the camera is downstairs and i cant be bothered to move!

Saturday 24 December 2011

Saturday 24th December - Christmas Eve

Gaz was up and playing on the computer this morning whilst i gave the house a good clean and decorated the table ready for christmas dinner. Not having a table centre piece, i placed a bottle of wine on the table even though Gaz and i probabley wont even drink it...anything to try and make the table look less sad. We didnt see the point in splashing out on christmas decorations as we will most likely be back in the UK next christmas. Its a bit strange being away from family this time of year and it isnt the same without the cold weather.

Gaz and i were trying to think of things to do when gaz stumbled upon 'Hervey Bay Botanical Gardens'. We never even knew hervey bay had a botanical garden! We went for a drive during a dry patch as it has been raining for most of the day and were very impressed to find an array of lakes and bridges with lots of different birds. Just as we were heading over to the 'Chinese Garden' i remembered i had left my on call phone back in the house so we had to cut our visit short and get back home. We will definitely be back here though on another sunny day!

Gaz fell asleep on me whilst we watched Gavin and Stacey. We had a christmas eve meal in the boat club  before trying to blow 20AUD on the pokies...we kept winning....and tried to blow some more money...but won some more. In the end we made back our 20AUD plus a little more. I then dragged Gaz up to the christmas street with the lights on the houses so i could get some photos. It was even busier tonight than the night before! We have made it back to the house and have allowed each other to open one present. Gaz gave me a box of chocolates and i have given him a Justin Bieber calender. Gaz HATES Justin Beiber..and now he can look at his face every day of the year! Ive even put the dates of peoples birthdays in...ESPECIALLY HIS MOTHERS (CHRIS) so he doesnt forget her birthday AGAIN.

We have just spoken to Huw on skype and are now getting ready to watch the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation...a Lane family tradition to watch this film every christmas eve. Will catch you all on skype are some photos of the houses.

Friday 23 December 2011

Friday 23rd December - Riding in the rain!

So it wasnt much of a day off work today as it rained the whole day. I was meant to be having a riding lesson at 9.45am so i got up early to buy Lisa an expensive bottle of champagne as a thank you present...however when i got to the paddock, her car wasnt there. I text her asking if we were still riding and im pretty sure she had forgotten all about it as her text back said no not today, its a b it wet and sure she would have text before hand if she had anyway i now have a bottle of Moet...maybe Gaz and I should have it for New Year? A bottle of Moet here costs 75AUD which is £50...what a rip off.

I drove home very disappointed that i hadnt been out for a ride. Gaz was playing on the computer when i got home...hes doing very well for himself. I had a phone call about 12.30 from Cassie (one of the girls from work) and she asked if i wanted to go out on her horses...i jumped at the chance and drove straight there. She lives with her parents but has 10acres of land and has 3 horses with stables in her back yard. So lucky! Her horses were rugged up but when i slid the rug off the horse i was riding, i could see this beautiful shiney coat. I was riding Nova, a 16.1hh giant! It is obvious these horses are VERY well cared for. I know Cassie devots a lot of time to them and does a lot of competing...but these horses were stunning. I got on Nova and we rode off in the pouring rain hoping the heavy shower would soon pass. It didnt. Cassie has spent many years schooling Nova and he was extremly responsive to everything i did. We had a canter and he was flicking his head around...when i asked Cassie why she said try shortening the reins and lift your hands up a bit. We had another canter and i followed Cassies advice and he went like a dream! They were in an open field but didnt even attempt to bolt off...he had his head tucked in and cantered with this lovely leg extension like something off the olympic dressage team you see on the television! He has been trained very well. When we got back to Cassies stables we were soaked through. We untacked the horses and i set off int he car, desperate for a nice warm shower!

Gaz was still playing on the computer and doing very well. I baked some cupcakes the night before and decorated them in butter icing...24 hours later there is only 6 out of 12 cakes left. oops. No diet going on this weekend!

In the evening we were in the christmas spirit and drove to Hayman Court...also known as Christmas Street. This street is not far from where we live in Hervey Bay and i was recommended a visit there by one of the girls in work. Over the years it has become a christmas time tourist attraction...It is a street of about 10 houses all lit up in lights. One house had santa outside (the owner) who told us he paid someone to put the lights up on his took the guy 9 hours! It was like a Grizzwold family christmas house! The other houses were all similar...lots and lots of flashing lights, a few santas walking around, some of them had robotic reindeer lit up that moved their heads, others with scenes of penguines and house had a life sized robotic dancing santa which one kid was mesmorised with! A group of kids were shouting OMG OMG OMG as they ran down the street with their little glow sticks, all so excited about the lights. Even a big tour bus had dropped a load of people off to have a look at the street! I forgot my camera as i was toob usy fussing about with my sat nav so i might try and convince gaz to take another trip there tonight just so i can show you all how crazy the place is!

When we got home, we watched muppets christmas carol. Gaz was a little worried that i knew all the words!

Thursday 22 December 2011

Thursday 22nd December - Boxercise christmas meal

It was my last day in work today before christmas which would all be well and good only i am on call so i dont feel like im on holiday. Work went pretty smoothly today...only a few nutters in, one of which turned up an hour early for his appointment, then moaned because he was kept waiting? I even had him in 5 minutes early before his appointment time...some people are so frustrating!

Gaz and i have been to the boxercise class...he tried to get out of it 'im tired' he moaned...but i forced him off his chair and he got changed. Girl power. It was a really good class and now we are off to join everyone for a christmas meal at the irish pub, Hoolihans. Oh and one of the dentists in the boxercise class has offered me a job in Maryborough.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Wednesday 21st December

Nothing interesting happened yesterday other than we both skipped going to the gym because no one from work was going and i was instead we bought lots and lots of chocolate and pigged out. Today wasnt much different....nothing good to report other than gaz has ended his stake as he found it too stressful but still did very well from it. He has also spent all day cooking a curry from scratch, adding all his own tasted amazing! he kept telling me off for dipping bread into the sauce whilst it was cooking. Oh and we ventured over to use our swimming pool for the first time since being here. Was a good temperature as it has the sun for most of the day. Tomorrow is my last day in work before christmas but i also start my week on call :( bad times.

Monday 19 December 2011

Monday 19th December - made the paper again!

I turned to 'The Chronicle' today and flicked to page 3 where a huge picture of a dead kangaroo and her joey filled the page with a picture of a dead cow that had been shot in the neck. As i read, it turned out to be the shootings that had gone on in Booral where i go riding. The story explained that the shootings had gone on all friday and saturday night and it wasnt until sunday morning that the devistation of what went on came to light when 'some local horse riders were out on their  trail ride and found the dead kangaroos'...thats me! Regardt saw me reading the paper and joked 'you in the paper this week then?' (joking about the previous photograph of gaz and i) i said yes! im the local horse rider! lol. Anyway...the article said they found 20 dead mother kangaroos and their joeys which had been shot point blank :( Some of the girls went back to check the pouches of the mother kangaroos and according to the article, 3 joeys were found still alive so have been taken into care :( It also said how a cow had been shot and that the farmer had no idea these people were on his land nor of the devistation that was going on. I think the farmers house is a long way away as he has so much land. Mark said the story had been on the news and that the people had been caught and it was a Dad and his kids...sounds like the same people we bumped into on sunday!!! Im so angry and sad :( 

Gaz has played on the computer today, being up at 5.30 for a tornament. His friend is doing very well and at this moment in time his friend is in the top 5 and is garanteed at least 250,000 USD! sweet!

Nothing much else has happened.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Sunday 18th Dcember - Kangaroo graveyard

Yesterday i was up at 6am, despite it being a saturday and not having to be up. Our bin needed changing and it was a little untidy downstairs so i got cleaning! Gaz got up later to play on the computer whilst i went out and picked up the last of his xmas presents. 

In the evening we went over the road to the 'carols by candlelight' concert that was taking place. We couldnt believe how many cars were parked all down the road and in the was packed! The whole event was free and when we arrived, people were queuing miles back to get on each of the rides that were there. We strolled past the rides and the stage where some woman was singing christmas songs...her voice wasnt amazing but it didnt matter as everyone was having a great time. Kids and adults all dressed in their christmas hat, one kid dressed as a chritmas tree and there were a few little elf outfits...very cute. There was free face painting going on...we walked past minding our own business but i got pulled over by some very enthusiastic woman who decided to draw all over my face. So much for putting make up on. i didnt really have much of a choice so i just went with it and left her graffiti all over me...she was having a great time. Luckily there were many place to eat...lots of variety from fish and chips to pizzas cooked in a proper pizza oven courtesy of a portable gas oven! very clever. We sat on the grass and enjoyed the song...getting a little worried about the god squad performance of angels dancing to a song about someone wanting to kill herself and 'never wake up'. We thought they were kids but nope, fully grown of which was a male :S

We didnt hang around much past 7pm and headed back home. Gaz made his excuses not to meet up with rudgy boy...saying 'vicky is ill...something gastric'. Nice Gaz. 

Anyway, we cwtched up in bed and watched Home Alone us feeling christmassy and also missing the cold weather back home!

This morning i got up for my riding lesson. When i turned up Lisa told me there had been people shooting out in the fields the past 2 nights and the horses had been going crazy. Apparently the police were called and 3 cars scampered and they only caught one of them. I rode Buddy out...i was appalled by what i saw. 5 kangaroos just within a 3 metre radius all lying dead. Eyes open and peaceful looking. It was horrible. We didnt even go looking for other dead kangaroos amongst the trees but i am certain there were many. Mothers and babies. Disgusting. These people had been shooting for fun. It got worse because as we carried on riding, there were a heard of wild horse that roam the fields around here. One of the horses was limping very badly and was trying to hop along on 3 legs. The poor thing must have got startled by the gun shots and fallen over. We managed to get close enough to see there was no blood on the leg so it hadnt been shot but there was nothing we could do as the herd would not let us get close to the injured horse. As we rode along we heard more gun shots. Lisa called the police just as we saw a car coming in our direction. It had 2 young boys and a girl in the yute and they were hiding the gun as they approached. They claimed they had permission to be on the land from the owner who they correctly named. The kid said his dad was a policeman and they were allowd to be there. Lisa rightly pointed out they shouldnt be shooting near houses in daylight and questioned if they were part of the gang that had been shooting last night. They denied it all and left but 5 minutes later returned with the kids dad who argued with Lisa saying 'i hear you gave my son a hard time. When we got back Lisa heard from the owner of the land that he knew nothing about these people on his land! I drove home feeling very sad about the uglyness of some people in this world and what kind of mentality makes them think shooting helpless animals is fun? And its even worse that a beautiful horse has got injured because of it all and will no doubt fall short of the heard and become an easy target of the wild dogs out here. So sad. 

Gaz and i have just been  out for some food down at the boat club and are relaxing at home before another busy week in work! Here are some of the pictures from yesterday...

Thursday 15 December 2011

Thursday 15th December - Gaz's first boxercise class

Gaz didnt play on the computer today, instead he looked up xmas presents online for people. Work went well and afterwards gaz and i met helen (and her gf who is also called helen) and jacqui at the boxercise class. This time gaz was participating and he did very well. Everyone was very impressed he made it through the warm up without spewing although i was partnered with him on the pads and he kept telling me he was going to spew...but i kept saying 'only a few more minutes, keep going!'. He made it through the whole hour though and feels dead but so much better for having done it. I am on day 3 of healthy eating...i even managed to avoid the cheesecake and pasties splayed on the table in work.

It is great that we are making some really good friends here in hervey bay. Cassie, one of the dental nurses, has invited me out on one of her horses very excited! And gaz will be going out on the boat with mark soon (the lab technician) and we have both been invited to the boxercise xmas meal next thursday. Gaz is going out with the rugby boys on sat night and we have both been invited down to the boatclub by one of the girls in work to watch her friends irish band playing. Ive got work tomorrow :(

Wednesday 14 December 2011

wednesday 14th december - boxercise!

Yesterday I began a very healthy routine. Im living on 2 weetabix in the morning, an orange for tea break, salad for lunch and chicken stew (with carrots, leeks, onions and chicken stock) for dinner with a freezepop for dessert. I had an awful day in work yesterday with my first patient refusing her proposed treatment and arguing for 30 minutes with regardt (the senior dentist) about how awful the system is here and demanding a very decayed, broken down tooth was root treated and crowned....neither of which we offer at the clinic and nor would any dentist perform on a tooth like this in a mouth of her condition (unless the dentist was more concerned about making money than the welfare of the patient. She kicked off the sttart of an awful day ahead. Patients with really difficult fillings came in, i saw other peoples patients because they were running late (as usual) but which then made ME run late...and at 4.45pm just when i thought i had finished, the same dentist who commented about my teeth the other day came in to my room and asked for an 'opinion' on a patient. I said i would give her an opinion so she went through the whole history of the patient who she had seen that morning and sent away for an x ray. She asked if i would like to see the x ray...i said i would so she took me in to her room, handed me the x ray and said 'shes in the waiting room, get her in when your ready.' I was extremly annoyed by this (gaz is still telling me off for not having told her to F off) but being the door matt that i am great at being i took the file down the corridor and saw the girl who the other dentist was meant to see. This is also the same dentist who has bought me a number of files and told me i am to see the patient because they are MY patients and she will not see any one elses patients. So i end up seeing all the patients booked in for me AND the patients booked in for her. She is renouned for being lazy but its time i stop letting her walk all over me! I was so angry, i really enjoyed the boxercise class in the evening!

two of the girls from work invited gaz and i to a boxercise class at one of the gyms down the road from us. Gaz watched as i participated, almost dying after the warm up! Gaz thought the session looked fun, but i would call it more painful on thursday we are both going to go again.

Today in work it went much more smoothly, i was refreshed after boxing the hell out of the bag last night! Destressed :D I have stuck to my healthy eating. Gaz didnt play the computer today as he is a little disheartened from how bad it went instead he went xmas shopping and bought all my presents...yay! IHe also came to join me at 4.30 sitting outside the common room in the sunshine as i am not allowd to leave until 5pm but had finished really early today. Was nice to have some company and he bought me an early xmas present (a water bottle).

Monday 12 December 2011

Monday 12th December - Work work work

Yesterday i had a great riding lesson as Lisa let me ride Buddy again and we were joined by the other Lisa and funnily enough, the little girl (Alana) who is the daughter of Mark the lab technician at work! There were 6 of us in all and it was good fun. The fields are all water logged from all of the rain we have had and where a ca rhas been driving up and down there are tracks which have created a deep stream down the field. The horses loved splashing through it and poor Alana was on Borris (a little shetland pony) who was more or less swimming down the stream as his little legs couldnt reach the bottom. The horses loved it! Luckily the wearther was good for us because by the time i got home, the thunder and rain had begun again. I slept for a good 3 hours whilst Gaz played on the computer and i woke up in time for us to grab a takeaway from the Thai place down the road.

In work today patients werent turning up so it wasnt too bad. One of the dentists made a comment about my front tooth being squint which has annoyed me a little bit...i was busy talking to one of the dentists when this other dentist came up to me and was making it obvious she was looking my face up and down. She then said 'hmmm interesting'.  I asked what was wrong and she said 'oh just looking at your 21( my 21 being my front tooth) ' i asked why? and she just replied 'oh nothing :)' with a very smug grin on her face. I was like errr??? Are you looking at it because it sticks out? She replied "yes"....i thought it was very strange. She then went on to moan about a patient of hers that has squint teeth and she said it irritates her. This is the same person who has a real grudge against Kate Middleton...and will constantly comment about Kates teeth when shes in magazines saying 'look at that black triangle between her front teeth, she MUST have veneers,'....WHO CARES! Any way as ive got a major complex about my teeth, i dont appreciate people obviously staring at them and judging them!!!

Gaz has had a rubbish day on the computer but hes still doing very well for the month. I talked him in to doing some chin ups with me on the chin up bar downstairs which we did...and are now feeling very sore! ive even been to woolworths and started my health kick food. Some of the nurses have invited me to a boxercise class tomorrow which i promised last week i would go to...which sucks a little because i was also invited by some other girls to go to the cinema tomorrow night too...i should stick to the exercise class though. Gaz is going to come and watch but i cant convince him to take part as he doesnt want to be the only boy there.

PS - GAZ HAS BEEN BINGE EATING!!! i admitted to eating chocolate peanuts in work today and he made me feel guilty. When i went to put something in the bin next to his computer, there was an empty packet of kinder bars!!! The little monkey had scoffed them and wasnt going to tell me! He even admitted this wasnt the first time hes done it!!! is this a cause for the fine jar or would i be guilty too? DISCUSS!

Saturday 10 December 2011

Saturday 10th December - Work xmas party

Gaz and i were awoken today by the pitter patter of rain on the tin roof which soon turned into torrential rain. We had 3.8cm of rain in an hour which resulted in our road being flooded. I managed to get some pictures of it this time! Luckily once the rain stopped, it drained away pretty quickly.

This afternoon Gaz and i went looking at air conditioning units for the spare bedroom. Unfortunately they arent going to be practical as they require a window to stick a funnel out of. We asked the woman in the store if there was an alternative to sticking the tube out of the window because all we have are double doors....she suggested we stick the funnel out of the doors and celotape cardboard to the gap between the door and the wall?!!! I dont know if she thought we lived in a sh*t hole of what but there is no way in hell we are celotaping any cardboard anywhere in our house! We decided that as mum and dad will only be spending 3 or 4 nights in the bedroom, it may be worth saving $1000 and buying a few fans instead and keeping the air con on throughout the house all day. 

3pm this evening was my works christmas party. It was held in the surf club on the beach and it was a really good turnout with almost every member of staff there with partners and kids. There was a spit roast and lots of food...the weather had cleared up so it was warm (but not too hot) and dry...although it was a little windy. In the distance we enjoyed a spectacular lightning storm over the sea. Gaz was introduced to all my work colleagues and we enjoyed everyones company. At 8pm, people were tailing off from the party so we offered to give Mark, his wife Lisa and their daughter a life home (as they were both over the limit for driving and we had spent most of the evening talking to them). As Gaz got out of the car, Mark invited him out on his boat which is great! Gaz will definitely take him up on the offer!  

Thursday 8 December 2011

Thursday 8th December - Sunshine

The rain has gone and the sun has got his hat on! Its boiling again today which im a bit gutted about as i was going to take pics of the river but unfortunately it had gone right down! Hervey Bay didnt even look as though it had had 24 hours of rain by 8am this morning. Work went well and its my friday so that made the day even better!

Gaz has done exceedingly well on the computer, very proud of him! We treated ourselves to a meal out this evening at the Italian restaurant we went to with Ian and Chris. We feel a bit guilty for the meal now as we have been eating very well until now! Not much to report other than we are going to watch another xmas film...perhaps home alone 1? Gaz is getting in to the christmas spirit and is playing slade on the laptop and whistling along very out of tune ( LOL).

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Wednesday 7th November - Storms

So its all kicked off today!

The weather has taken a turn for the worse and has rained non-stop for the last 24hours. Infact it has rained so much, the little stream that runs by the side of our work building has almost burst its banks (which are very high) and is starting to flood the car park. My little path i take around the back of the building has almost been blocked off from the water! We have been warned of flooding and thunderstorms so i sent Gaz out to buy some food for the freezer just incase!

John tried to get me back today for stealing his chocolates (after he blamed the reception staff) and he filled my umbrella with hole punch clippings so that when i opened it at lunch time, all the paper flew out of it. I think he was hoping i would open it at the end of the day  but i went home for lunch when no one else was there to see it. Better luck next time John!

Gaz has done really well on poker today...and even rang Billy! But got through to someone else who works in the shop and so Billy will ring him back another day. For those who have forgotten, Billy is the guy who owns the boat hire company and has offered to take Gaz out may not be for a while though as this rain is due for at least 2 weeks! ...Perhaps a repeat of last years floods....?

ps...since 9am this morning, we have had 62mm of rain! (6.2cm)

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Tuesday 6th December - Fun day at work

The rain continued all through the night and Gaz lay snug as a bug in bed whilst i traipsed around trying to piece together my work uniform this morning. Work was fun today...
Yesterday one of the lab technician, John, who is forever playing practical jokes on people, had left an unopened box of chocolates on his desk. I stole the chocolates and hid them in my room. By the end of the day i returned them back to his desk. Today i turned to Faye, one of the other technicians, "i guess john knew it was me that stole the chocolates?" she said that John didnt have a clue who had taken them and he had even opened them today and left them on the bench! I then proceeded to stealing the open box of chocolates and hid them again in my room. It turns out the reception staff had a load of the wrappers to the same type of chocolates (ones which they had eaten a few days ago). I took these wrappers and pretending it was from Johns box, i left empty wrappers throughout the day on Johns work bench. He didnt have a clue who was doing this...towards the end of the day i tipped the chocolates out of the box and left the empty box on his desk with a little notes saying 'NOM NOM NOM! (smiley face)". He still didnt know who the culprit was. In the end i put the chocolates in a cardboard box and taped it up with Johns name on...i kicked the box next to his chair and he eventually found it..still none the wiser.

One of the dental assistants was flicking through the paper today at tea break and to her shock, there was a cheesy looking pitcutre of gaz and i grinning away in our santa hats. Everyone is joking we are locals now that weve been in the paper!

Gaz has done really well on the computer today...but still hasnt phoned Billy!!! 

Monday 5 December 2011

Monday 5th December

Yesterday Gaz played on the computer whilst i went horse riding. I turned up and Lisa had a beginner rider she had to teach so she let me take Buddy out into the outback with another woman (also called Lisa) who has 2 horses down by where Lisa keeps her horses. The other Lisa is an beginner/novice rider who has never galloped before...we found the spot i galloped on Buddy before and she was feeling confident so i told her to just lean forward out of the saddle and give the horse the rein...needless to say, Lisa absolutely LOVED the gallop and wanted to go again! we even spotted the kangaroo from last week with the broken leg...poor thing.

when i got back i had a little nap whilst gaz continued to play on the computer. I spent all afternoon wrapping Gaz's presents whilst listening to christmas was fun! Gaz and i went for a meal at the boat club in the evening.

Work was OK today, gaz didnt play on the computer but he has ventured out to have a hair cut!We are still doing well on our eating plan and we feel really good for it. Not much else to write about today...only that we have had torrential rain all day which is great for the grass as it was starting to look a lil brown!

Saturday 3 December 2011

Saturday 3rd December - Carols by candle light

Gaz and I had a lye in today which was great but i find it very difficult to sleep past 8am over here...especially when the sun is up long before 5am. I left Gaz playing poker whilst i went and did my christmas shopping for Gaz's stocking. I found him surprisingly easy to buy for and i really enjoyed shopping around for him. When i got back to the house, Gaz was doing well on the computer so i left him to it and tidied the house.

This evening we have been to a 'carols by candle light' concert. It was actually good fun and although Gaz moaned about going and stuck his nose up at the santa hat, he actually got into the spirit of things and we ev been had our photo taken for the local newspaper, wearing our hats. Apparently we are going to be 'the couples' photograph for the event lol. The concert was held around the corner in the historical museum grounds where they use the old train platform as a stage and everyone was welcome to bring seats of a picnic blanket. We bought neither so sat near the front behind all the kids running around...they will definitely sleep well tonight! We bought some glow sticks and lit them when it got dark. It was really nice to see 200 odd people who had all turned up for the concert in support of a local charity. They had little kids singing on stage as well as the fraser coast choir...which when i looked hard, i spotted Liz, the woman who has given me the job at Aura! She is second from the left in the photograph below...small town! Gaz and i were a little freaked out by the robot dancing elf on stage with the little kids...he was either pissed or this was a dare. The host of the evening was this big fat dumpling woman whose ego was bigger than her arse...and thats saying something! She not only hosted the whole evening, she sang more songs than the kids did and by her 4th song, Gaz and i had both had enough so we left.

We watched a christmas film last night (Bad Santa) and tonight we are watching Elf. Its weird not having cold weather here this time of year but i guess we will get used to it. Im sad because there were no aunt bessies yorkshire puddings or roasties int he frozen isle section at woolworths :(

Bats flying overhead the old train station

Rapey looking elf robot dancing 

Fraser Coast Choir - Liz is the curly haired lady second from the left

Gaz and I looking cheesy!

Friday 2 December 2011

friday 2nd december - gaz's bbq sauce

It was a great day in work yesterday, we had a works christmas lunch where everyone had to bring a dish in from their own country. Being welsh, i took in bara brith...i dont like fruitcake myself so i dont know if it was any good but a few people said it was nice. We also did a secret santa...i bought a singing, dancing reindeer for one of the girls which she loved...the girl who organised the whole thing messed it up for the second time running and one of the girls didnt get a present, poor thing! Also one was woman was offended by her present...a dog muzzle. No one really found the present funny and it didnt go down very well..we are still trying to work out who sent it to her...the culprit is keeping very quiet! I was given a nice baking tray with a lid and a carry case to take the cupcakes to work in...very practical!

We have had rain for the first time in over a month and it was greatly welcomed as it was getting very hot and humid around here. We are going to buy a proper air conditioning unit for the spare bedroom on sunday for when parents/guests come to stay and use the spare gets a little bit too hot in there without it!

Gaz has had a rubbish few days on the computer so hopefully things will get better...he still hasnt gone to the gym yet as his toe is still sore from where he tore the nail off. This morning he made a bbq sauce and put it with some meat in the slow cooker...we had it for dinner in a bun and it was delicious. We are both still doing really well with the healthy eating/eating less.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Wednesday 30th November - Bara Brith

Gaz and i are on day 2 of our healthy eating...the exercise bit hasnt quite happened yet! We have had 2 weetabix for breaky, a pita bread with a bit of flavoured dip for lunch and a piece of meat for din dins. Tonight we had chicken on skewers in satay sauce...delicious! For a little treat we have an ice pop out the freezer...all 48 calories of it! Because we are doing it together, it is making it a lot easier to stick to the diet. Ive found that because im not eating lots of junk food, im drinking a lot more water which is great! My exercise for the past 2 nights has been on the pole which is in the slowly getting my strength back but i forgot how much fun it was! im nearly able to do all the moves that i used to be able to do...and im getting the calus' back on my hands...the joys!

Gaz is currently looking up a bbq beef recipe. Ive told him its probs easier just to buy the sauce but hes insistent on making it sure it will taste amazing.  n e way, enough about food...

Work is going ok...ive applied for the royal flying doctors just incase i need something to fill the time between ending my contract at the dental clinic and starting my private job in Aura. I told my boss today i had been offered a job somewhere and he is the sort of person where if u have climbed a mountain, hes climbed one ten times higher. His response was " oh ok, we've filled your position any way. Hes had 16 years experience and specialises in peads and ortho." i was like oh ok...i said i was going to try for a place with the royal flying doctors....his response to that was "oh i did that a few years back, you wont get a job in that now. they are looking for their own dentists, they wont recruit you at this youve got to be able to cope with turbulence, you can be chucked 50ft up into the air. And theres the stress of not finishing on time and being left behind at whatever place you are in...the plane wont wait for you." ...sometimes you just want to stick your finger up at him but i just nod and smile and imagine him hanging from a tree eating a banana.

Gaz has moved up a level on the computer and the past 2 days hasnt gone too well but im sure he can turn it around!

Monday 28 November 2011

Monday 28th November - Another sad day

I woke up this morning and got ready for work leaving gaz fast asleep. It was really sad to not be greeted by ian and chris at the dinner table this morning. Work was ok...had lots of compliments from patients today about my work which was great and the word has got around about Aura offering me the job so everyone is saying 'dont go we will miss you!' Even hannah, my dental nurse for today said..."your a really awesome dentist and ull be missed here"...which i thought was really sweet! Jackie is even planning a farewell party at her house and some big surprise for me that they have all been discussing. I dont see myself staying on at the Hervey Bay Dental Clinic past february. Its been great experience but i am young and it wouldnt be good to get tied into a job so early into my career. Ive actually been doing some research on the royal flying doctors...Liz printed off some stuff for me at my interview about it and said it is well worth doing for the experience. You get to visit outback places where you are the only dentist around for miles...there are a few people who have done it at the dental clinic and have all said how good it was. Something to consider!

Gaz didnt have a good day on the computer...i dont know if he is in the right frame of mind for it today as we are both still sad about ian and chris leaving. I keep reassuring him it wont be long till we are home to see them and we have a lot to look forward to before then!

Oh and gaz was proud of me today...i had a polish patient who came in demanding antibiotics. She was very rude and had had a tooth taken out by another dentist 3 days ago. Since then she says she has been in a lot of pain and was demanding i give her antibiotics. I had a look and she had a dry socket so i explained antibiotics would have no benefit and instead we would rinse the socket and pack with some alvygel (typical procedure for dry socket). She moaned and moaned 'what about the pain' i said well thats what the alvygel is for, just give it a chance to work. I WANT ANTIBIOTICS NOW! ...."umm no. im not giving you antibiotics." ...."SO YOU EXPECT ME TO WASTE MY TIME GETTING THEM FROM A GP?"....."i dont see why your gp should give you antibiotics, this is not a bacterial infection, this is a problem with the healing of the socket. You have bone exposed to the environment which is why it is painful. the blood clot has not formed properly. Antibiotics will do nothing." "BUT IVE HAD THIS BEFORE AND THE LAST DENTIST GAVE ME ANTIBIOTICS!" "well i cant comment on previous treatment as i wasnt there but i still am not giving you antibiotics." "GIVE ME PAINKILLERS THEN!" "no, you are already taking painkillers, you can buy them over the counter, just alternate the ibruprofen and panadine the alvygel will take the pain away." *patient continuously rolling her eyes at me* "SO YOUR NOT GIVING ME ANTIBIOTICS? THIS IS STUPID"....i pass the patient the therapeutic guidlines and highlight the line that states "dry socket - antibiotics are of no benefit" At which point she waves her hands in the air and storms out of the room. Stupid bitch...i love being right though! :D

Gaz and i have had our last day of binge eating and tomorrow is day 1 of diet and exercise!

Sunday 27 November 2011

sunday 27th November - i hate goodbyes

It was so sad this morning saying goodbye to chris and ian. I had a riding lesson at 9 and we planned to be gone for 2 hours so i hadnt intended on seeing chris and ian when i got when they were still present on my return, we had a second final farewell. Gaz and I have had the best month since being out here and we have done so much with chris and ian....fraser island, moreton island, bbq's by the beach, eating out along the esplanade and of course gaz got to spend quality time fishing with ian and chris who was always present taking photos. Its been lovely having them to stay and i will miss ian and chris' face at the breakfast table when i come down in the mornings before work. Gaz has been really quiet today and didnt play on the computer...instead he slept for a few hours.

I had a great riding lesson. 6 of us went out together on the horses and buddy was great as always. We spotted lots of wild kangaroos but one poor male kangaroo had injured his leg and couldnt skip...he fell over  few times with his legs int he air and struggled to get back up so we diverted the ride away from him. Poor thing wont last long out there like that!

As gaz was having a quiet day in the house i thougrht id go buy a little christmas tree. Its fibre optic from 'the reject' shop...cost me £10 in all plus another £10 for all the decs to put on it. Also picked up 2 little stockings for gaz and i and some santa hats which i have told gaz he HAS to wear it on christmas day...he doesnt look too impressed. ive put all our little pressents from the parents under the tree...looks very is a photo of it!

Saturday 26 November 2011

Saturday 26th November - Smoked Pepper/Halloween Party

This was ian and chris' last full day with us in aus. Gaz was up bright and early to go fishing with his dad and chris popped down to join them. I stayed in bed and enjoyed a lie in which i dont get very often! Gaz and ian came back empty handed and gaz fell fast asleep. I went with ian and chris to the eagles nest in point vernon to check it out. the little baby sat snuggled in the nest and poked its little white head out the top whilst the parent perched next to the nest, keeping watch.

Gaz was up and about by the time we got home so ian drov eus over to Toogoom so we could grab a milkshake and enjoy the sunshine. Gaz ordered a quiche lorraine but the first....second....and third quiche delivered to our table all had salmon in. Gaz despises salmon and had to keep taking the food back to the counter, explaining it was the wrong quiche. In the end, it was established that there were no quiche lorraines in stock, instead they were all salmon so gaz settled for a sausage roll...bu was disappointed by the refried beans inside the sausage.

This afternoon i had a belated halloween party at one of the dental assitants (Jackie) house. It was a halloween fancy dress theme so i went as a pumpkin witch and face painted my face to look like a pumpkin (chris has a photograph of me on her blog). Jackies house was stunning. she lives in point vernon where her and her husband designed the house and it is very unique. Gaz very kindly dropped me off there and on the way we spotted 6 kangaroos grazing by the side of the road with a joey feeding from its mummy. so cute! The party was great fun, and lots of people from work turned up, everyone having made a great effort with the fancy dress outfits....infact i won first prize which i was shocked at because everyone had made such a great effort.

Gaz, chris and ian picked me up from the party and we headed to smoked pepper for food (me having washed my make up off first!). The food did not disappoint and we enjoyed an excellent selection of tapas. Afterwards we had a stroll down Urangan pier in the dark at high tide and watched some of the fisherman trying to catch fish. No one seemed to be catching anything! the weather today was very very warm and humid...we really need a big storm...preferabley NOT before/during my riding lesson tomorrow!

Gaz and i are not looking forward to tomorrow when chris and ian leave :( trying not to think too much about it will be very sad.

Friday 25 November 2011

Friday 25th November - Exciting day!

Gaz's parents have returned today after their long drive up the east coast of aus from Canberra. It is really nice to have them back and its a real shame they are only here for 2 nights. Both gaz and i are really going to miss them...even though they havent been with us the past week, knowing we would see them again this weekend was something to look forward to. It will be really sad when they leave.

This morning i had my hair cut. I am very pleased with it as the guy who cut it didnt take too much off the length as i explained i am trying to grow it. I also went and had my legs waxed as my legs were getting hairier than Gaz's! Gaz spent the morning on the computer and again, he did very well. He has had an excellent month and is very pleased.

I had an interview this afternoon with a private dental practice around the corner from home - Aura dental practice. I knew as soon as i walked in i liked the place and i took an instant like to the practice manager, Matt and his pregnant wife, Elizabeth. They are an english couple and Liz qualified in cardiff and even worked 2 years at the hervey bay dental clinic where i am now. They were a very chilled couple and made me feel very welcome and comfortable and they told me there and then in the interview that they thought i would fit in really well at the practice. They asked what my weak points were in dentistry...i said complete dentures....which was great because they dont do dentures at this practice! they refer :D they like the fact i can do impacted wisdom teeth and i had Liz in stitches when she asked 'what is the most crazy thing you have ever done?'. Being put on the spot, the only time i could think of, which i said i probabley shouldnt be saying in an interview, was when my friend and i stole a trolly from tescos in university, dressed as santa claus (it was christmas) and drove it to the fish and chip shop...Liz found it very funny and it reminded her of the things she used to get up to in Uni. The practice is amazing...its only 2 years old so all the equipment is pretty new...intra oral cameras built into the dental chairs and my surgery would be brand new...and suitable for me being left handed! they have the latest x ray equipment with cone beam imaging so we can get 3D images of teeth/bone.  The practice is all about relaxation and as Matt said 'putting the patient first'. It is exactly how i would want my surgery to be...the waiting room is called the 'relaxation room'. They have these comfy black chairs with a big water feature in the corner, soothing music and on a big flat screen tv, they have a video of fish that has been was lovely to watch! Overall i was very impressed with the whole atmosphere and lay out of the was almost exactly how i have imagined i would want my dental practice to look like! They said that they are looking to open the 4th surgery a few months after christmas. they said the first 2 months is when people have paid school fees and after xmas, they have no money so the work load dries up a bit. They said they are deffinately interested in having me work there, but they dont know when it will be. If by the time my contract finishes end of feb they still dont need me, i have a few options to consider if i need to fill some time before starting at Aura.

Gaz, Chris, Ian and I have all just got back from a bbq by the beach in our usual spot. The weather has got very window and even a few spots of rain fell. We need a big storm to clear the air a bit! We are all chilling before chris and ians last full day with us tomorrow which Gaz intends to get up early to go fishing with his dad. i hope the weather is good for them!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Thursday 24th November - The Inbetweeners

I have booked the flights for when mum and dad come out in january. We decided to get them booked early otherwise they would be too expensive to book closer to the time. I have managed to get from 7-23rd January off from work which i have had to use my sick leave up for. I have a certain number of hours off for my sick leave and i said to the admin people that i will be calling in sick if they dont let me have the time off any way so to save a lot of hassle, they may aswell just book me off so that they dont have to cancel patients on the day. They agreed to this...yay! When mum and dad come over, the plan is to have a few days in hervey bay and to then fly down to adelaide, drive down to kangaroo island to see the baby seals and wildlife...then do the great ocean road to melbourne...and perhaps drive to phillip island to see penguins.  Cant wait!

Work this last week has been so slow. Patients havent been turning up and its been really quiet. I recognised one patient in the corridor today, he had been in to see one of the other dentists. I said "hello, how are you?" and his reply was "pfft, much better now." and he hobbled off....i was a bit like hmm ok? and then i remembered who he was when  the other dentist told me what he was in for....i had seen this 80 year old man 2 weeks ago and he had been moaning his metal denture was loose. i followed the protocol and told him a new denture can not be made unless he comes off the waiting list. He asked me to adjust the existing denture and i said no because it is a cobalt chrome denture and from past experiences, adjusting the clasps on a metal denture can 1. make the denture not fit at all or 2. the clasps can break. He was unhappy with this and had been moaning about me to another dentist. the other dentist backed me up and said we cant make him a new denture but she did take the existing denture to the lab, and the lab tightened the clasp which did the trick and he was happy. He walked out to the waiting room and said to the receptionist ..."well that dentist i saw today was marvellous, so much better than that POMMY, irish or whatever the hell she was, dentist!" .....what a tw*t.

This evening Gaz and i went to the Hogs Breath cafe for a steak sandwhich (im sure it was a patient of mine serving us)...afterwards we went to watch the inbetweeners in the cinema. The cinema smelt a bit funny and was full of teenagers, all very overdressed...but i guess this is a big night out for them in Hervey Bay? The film was ok, a bit what we were expecting to be honest...i cant believe mum and dad went to see it!!!

Gaz has played on the computer today and done really well. Gaz has nothing else to report.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

tuesday 22nd november

Not much to report from this end. Last night gaz and i went to find a public bbq along the esplanade. we found a quiet spot that overlooked right onto the sea...unfortunately the wind was a bit strong and our attempt at cooking on tin foil was being 'foiled' by the wind.

Gaz was out fishing when i arrived home from work but he wasnt out long as he said it was too windy...any excuse for not catching something! He cooked me some meat in a bbq source which was lovely and i did some cleaning to spruce the house up a bit! ive managed to clean the whole of downstairs but cant face upstairs tonight...its too hot!

Ian...gaz has found ur buttery biscuits uve left here...hes demolishing them as i type! will have to get you some more when you arrive back here!

Nothing much else to report!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Sunday 20th November - On call, A and E

Yesterday we enjoyed a bit of a lie in. I have recently purchased an 'x stage lite' as pole dancing is much more widely accepted out here and not thought of as some seedy night club thing but more of a fitness workout. The 'x stage lite' is a pole attached to a base and does not require a ceiling, therefore i have it positioned in the garden! I havent tried any pole dancing for 18months so i was keen to see how much i could still do...the answer is not a lot. It is amazing how much my upper body strength has declined and ive also lost the hard skin in the places that rub like on your hands and feet. It was hard work when the sun came out and it was heating up the metal causing my feet to burn therefore this is something im going to have to do early morning (before work) or late evening, after work. Gaz played on the computer and did well.

In the afternoon we fell asleep...gaz for half hour, myself for 3 hours (oops!). I was going to attempt some more pole moves in the evening but my skin was raw and peeling on my hands and feet. We enjoyed a lovely meal at the boat club but had to wait an hour for a table because it was so busy so Gaz dragged me over to the  pokies...i said ill choose the machine and he can press the buttons but in the end i did both and won 9 AUD profit before being buzzed over to get our table. When we got home we watched 'willow'...i forgot how much i liked that film!

This morning i was up early to go riding. My arms and shoulders are in agony from pole dancing yesterday so im going to try some moves this evening when the sun has gone down! I left Gaz in bed and reached Lisas ready for a 9am ride. There were 6 of us going out today. Myself on Buddy and some of Lisa's friends on their own horses. We rode 15 minutes into the outback and were planning to be gone a while. Unfortunately my on call phone went off...a 12 month little boy had fallen and smacked his front teeth on a table. The doctor working at the hospital wasnt entirely sure what needed to be done so i said i would be there as soon as i could. I had to leave the ride early and rode Buddy back to the field. I thought he would put up a fight about leaving the other horses but he was so well behaved, he did exactly as i asked and carried me safely back to the paddock where i quickly untacked him and forced some carrots att him before running back to the car. I drove back to the house, by which point gaz was up and getting ready to play on the computer. I  got changed and rushed straight to the hospital. A very anxious mother was holding a baby in her arms and when i lifted up his lip, he screamed the place down. His central baby tooth was lying out of the socket and was being held in by a piece of gum. We ended up having to IV sedate the kid so i could get the tooth out. The poor thing. I reassured the mother that these things happen because i think she felt really guilty as he had been under her supervision and she turned her back for a second to answer the phone. They seemed a nice family...but at least it wasnt his adult tooth!

I will get paid quite a lot for the 2 hours i spent at the hospital so i am going to buy buddy something nice as an apology for ruining his ride! its such a shame, i was really looking forward to it! Gaz and i have been asleep for the past 2 hours so we are slowly waking up so that we can go and have a nice bbq by the beach. The weather again is hot and sunny...i could really get used to this!

Friday 18 November 2011

Firday 18th November - Its a Boy!

Ive been a bit slack writting the blog these past few days for which i apologise!

These past few days have been great. Chris and Ian have sadly left gaz and i now and flown down to Canberra for the weekend before driving up the east coast to spend their last few days in Aus with us at Hervey Bay. Gaz and I have really enjoyed having them both to stay and it was so sad this morning when i woke up for breakfast and the kitchen table was empty! Gaz has been a little quiet and says that he is missing them so much already. Hes enjoyed having a fishing buddy and its been really lovely to come home and have dinner cooked for me and the shopping all done!

Yesterday whilst i slaved away in work, the three of them went off on a boat that they hired out. Ian managed to catch a flat head, squid, whiting and a sole. Gaz caught a squid and a reef fish. The guy that rented the boat out to them was very impressed that they managed to catch things and admired their knowledge on boating that he has offered to take gaz out fishing with him on his boat...this is great coz it means i dont have to go! In the evening we treated Chris and Ian to an Italian down the esplanade as a thank you for being here.

This morning Gaz dropped them off at the air port and i received the exciting news that Gemma had just given birth to a baby boy (8lb 2oz). It is very strange seeing a picture of adam holding a baby! I am now auntie toria...and uncle gaz.

Work went smoothly today and my dental nurse was very impressed with how well i handled an extraction on a 9 year old kid (even though i HATE treating kids) and with the ease at which i got this lower wisdom tooth out on some woman. I did have some idiot from yesturday back in moaning about his denture rubbing where i took some teeth out...he asked my dental assistant if she was training me?! and she said 'no vicky is my boss' and he shes training you? and i turned to him and said 'WE HAVE NO TRAINEES HERE, WE ARE ALL HIGHLY QUALIFIED;....and he shut right up!

Oh and i handed my CV in to Aura dental clinic 2 days they rang me to ask if they could meet me next friday to chat about how long im in Aus for etc. and to let me know the maternity leave position had been filled but they are opening up a 4th surgery. Finger crossed for next friday! This private job is just around the corner from where we live at the moment and would be so ideal!

Gaz and i have just been out for dinner at the irish pub and we are going to settle down for the night and watch some tv. missing chris and ian lots already!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Tuesday 15th November

Im shattered! Ive had enough of weirdo patients today. They all seem to have appeared out of the woodwork coz its a full moon. One patient was telling me how she is disgusted that queensland health have put fluoride in her water. "look at the african kids you see on tv and look how great their teeth look...they dont have fluoride". This was coming from a lady who has 5 teeth in her whole head...maybe something to do with her not using fluoridated toothpaste! She wasnt listening to any of my argument about how beneficial fluoride has proven to be for you teeth so i handed her a leaflet that we have been given for patients about fluoride. Flicking back through her notes, she has Glass ionomer restorations (which contain fluoride) and someone coated her teeth in duraphat (which is FULL of fluoride)...would be funny to point that out to her!!! Every patient i had today seemed so...uneducated. On the medical history form under 'what language do you speak at home', someone put...Australian. Another person wrote ANTIBODICS for antibiotics...Another patient on bisphosphontes didnt even know what she was taking was a bisphosphonate and thought i was nuts talking about antibiotic cover for her to prevent osteonecrosis of the jaw. I explained to another guy i would be taking his denture off him at the next appointment so the lab could make a copy and i would do this that and the other to his top denture. He nodded and smiled. When he got to the desk the receptionist told him to make sure he has his top denture with him next time....and he said rather confusded..."but i havent got a top denture". Another patient in her 50s walked in in bright fluorescent pink socks up to her thighs and brought a sheep skin rug to sit on to "make it more comfortable"...she was only in the chair for 5 minutes! Patients keep telling me they are pulling teeth out after extractions and ignore me telling them its bone...i even show them the tooth after i extract it just to point out IT IS ALL THERE, NOTHING HAS BEEN LEFT and i inform them there may be bone present after multiple extractions...but they dont listen. I did a filling on a guy, replacing an existing amalgam he had and he said to me 'i dont like what youve done'. i said " what do you mean?" he said "youve put a great big groove into the tooth, the previous filling i had was flat." I tried pointing out i had carved a lovely amalgam restoration with the grooves showing the morphology of a natural tooth...he said "well i dont like it, do it again." I saw red at this point and almos tlost my cool. i said i wouldnt do it again as it was a good filling that will serve its purpose. "im not leaving until you do it again." i went to speak to the senior dentist to explain what had happened but he told me i must sort it. I walked back in to the surgery, whacked a great mound of amalgam into the fissure i had made and said "there, hows that." he felt it with his tongue and moaned there was still a groove in the filling. "well i cant get any more amalgam in there for you, its packed." and with that he said " it will have to do." and walked out. TWAT. I CANT WAIT TO GO PRIVATE.

Anyway, rant over...ive posted my CV to one of the private practices in the area because the woman is going on maternity leave. i dont know if me not being able to start till february will make me less favourable for the job but its worth a go anyway!

This evening Gaz, Chris, Ian and i all went over the road for a bbq next to the beach. Ian didnt disappoint with the food...all bought from the butchers he rustled up a great feast. Chris got a photo of a toad (i think it might be a cane toad) on the way back to the house. The weather has been hot hot hot today.

Monday 14 November 2011

Friday 11th - Sunday 13th November - Loan Pine/Tangalooma resort

Friday morning we were up early and i kicked off the first half of the drive down to Brisbane. Chris and Ian, like well behaved children in the back seats of the car, played quietly on their ipads. Our first stop was Loan Pine Koala Sanctuary. I visited this place when i came out to Aus 5 years ago so i was excited to see it all again. Ian admits he wasnt too sure if he was going to enjoy it...but was pleasantly surprised! When we entered the sanctuary, we went to watch the bird show which had some very cool birds which swooped around the audience. There were lots and lots and lots of koalas here and it was fascinating to watch them all. Luckily we arrived at feeding time so they were all very active...but even the ones that were fast asleep on the branches were great to watch. I held one and had my photo taken with it...i wanted to take it home with me! There is also a kangaroo feeding section to the sanctuary which we had lots of fun photographing the kangas. I had found a bag of feed on a bench so i used this to feed the roos. I must admit, they all looked very full and appeared to be eating for the sake of it. At 4.45pm it was time for the lorikeet feeding. Porridge was put into bowls and wild lorikeets flew down to feed from them. People were allowd to pick the bowls up and carry a few lorikeets in the process...this was a great oppertunity to snap pics of gaz holding some birds.

After the sanctuary Gaz drove us to our apartment for the night. It was very snazzy! We had a nap before filling our bellies with an Indian. I had booked a table at a specific restaurant...but being awful at choosing nice restaurants, we passed by the window and were put off at the fact there was only one other family eating there. Gaz and i know from experience on a friday night, the good eating establishments are busy and there is a reason why it is empty! There was another indian down the road that ian had spotted so we went there instead. The place was fully booked but the nice waitress rustled up a table for the four of us. The food was amazing. We have managed to find a great curry house in Australia! It was called Kadishka (i think?).

The next morning we were heading for the ferry at 6.30am and as usual, were the first to arrive. We had a 75minute ferry ride to Tangalooma resort on Moreton island. The island is the only 100% Australian owned island in australia. It is another island similar to fraser island only a quarter of the size. We stayed in the Tangalooma resort...our apartment was average but it didnt matter as we werent spending much time in it. There are 15 ship wrecks off moreton island that were purposely sunk to make a man made harbour to shelter the boats from the wind and have now become home to coral and fish. All four of us took a snorkelling tour of the wrecks and we got to see lots of different fish. There was a big group of us, approx 20 people with lots of japanese tourists...most of which couldnt swim and had never been snorkelling before so it was quite amusing/annoying to hear these little screams and heads bobbing about in the water, arms flapping when stepped off the boat into the water. Chris spotted an octopus which was a really good spot because it was camouflaged with the barnacles on the wouldnt have known it was there...until some japanese bloke kicked it (accidentally) with his fin. The octopus quickly moved to a deeper location. I  was so angry i started telling the guy off for kicking it...the fact he swam into me had sparked my temper off!

Ian, Chris and I went to watch the kookaburras being fed and poor gaz had a dicky tummy so stayed in the room. At 6.30pm it was time for the dolphin feeding. 8 wild dolphins swim into the shore of tangalooma resort to be fed. Whilst we were waiting for the dolphins we saw a 'wobby gong' shark, sting ray and a few fish. Ian didnt feed the dolphins as he has caught it all on film.

Sunday was a day of rest. It was a bit windy so we decided not to go out on the kayaks which we were going to hire. Gaz and i strolled in the water which was so clear. I said " Gaz whats that?" he said not to worry, it was a rick. I put my food out to kick it............and a sting ray came out of the sand and swam away! that was close but it scared me and made me shriek like a typical girl.

We spent most of the day relaxing by the pool but did watch 2 of the wild pelicans being fed. They were huge! Gaz drove us all the way home. We had another fantastic weekend and i am shattered!!!

Thursday 10 November 2011

Thursday 10th November - BBQ

Gaz took his parents up to the 'snakes down under' reptile park that we had been to on our way to bundaberg. His parents loved it! they got to see the owner of the place (whose from wales originally) handling some of the most venemous snakes in the world. They also got to see the crocodiles being fed which ian has captured on film. They had a great day out but were a little exhausted from the heat. It got to 30 degrees yesturday and a always, no air conditioning in work! Luckily most of my patients didnt turn up!

In the evening we had decided to pop across the road to the outdoor bbq area where there is a free gas bbq and a table and bench next to the beach. Ian was in his elements cooking up meats they had bought from the local butchers and chris enjoyed taking pictures. Gaz and I had a little kick around on the grass with the football but the novelty soon wore off. It was a warm evening so was nice to be outside. The food was cooked to perfection! Everyone was shattered after a busy day so it wasnt long before we all retired to bed. This weekend we are off down to brisbane to visit the loan pine koala sanctuary. We are staying in 'essence apartments' which gaz stayed in when he went to pick his parents up from the airport. Saturday morning we are getting up early to catch a ferry to tangalooma resort where we are going to feed dolphins and stay the night. Soooo excited!!!